• These pieces are only available as pdf files.

    [Score & set of parts.]  (no postage costs!)

  • Your order will be sent to you as attachments to an email.

  • You can print them out as often as you want.

Guitar Orchestra Pieces

Title                                              Grade level


​Las manitas......................…………......1-3​



​Alta vista.............…………....................1-4

Off the rails..................…………..........1-4


Farewell to Kentraugh..……………....1-4

The pilgimage.............…………............1-3

Song for Polly............…………............1-3


​Spiritual ("Nobody knows")....…......1-3


Mediaeval song and dance…………..1-3

(Greensleeves arrangement plus original)

These are pieces for larger ensembles, carefully written to give the maximum result for a range for skills. Usually written in 5 parts, with some optional extra (easier) parts so that beginners can join in. Creatively written to work idiomatically on the guitar. Excellent substantial concert items, without too much stress!

Price - £8.00 each

Title                                              Grade level


​​Il sogno........…………………....................3-6

​​Il lago d'inverno............………………….2-5


​​La ginestra.....................………………...2-4

​​The olive grove.............………………….2-4

​​Honky-tonk cowboy.......……………….2-4

​​​Bizarre bazaar...............………………..2-4

​​The curious cat..............………………..2-4


​Monky Business..............……………….2-4